Things to Do in Eleuthera
The Gulf Stream and trade winds help maintain a temperature range of 68-86°F during the day,and 62-70°F during the night, all year round. Seawater temperature ranges from 73°F in February to 82°F in August. |
Three hundred years ago a small band of English pilgrims, seeking religious freedom, landed on this island and gave it the ethereal name, Eleuthera, which means "Freedom" in Greek. The name seems to be as apt today as it was then. Eleuthera, delivers on its initial promise by bestowing its gifts upon the lucky who've stumbled upon it, or the smart who know to go there. Miles of glistening pink and white sand beaches, serene colonial villages, and the rolling acres of pineapple plantations make Eleuthera an island of the most casual sophistication. The cool laziness of Eleutherean life and dusty-yet-drenched colors of the island give it the feel of a giant illusion; it seems to have a kind of unbounded air of calm and grace. With its two companions, Harbour Island and Spanish Wells, Eleuthera has long been a favored destination among smart travelers seeking a bit of quiet charm.
Eleuthera is not really the sort of place that lends itself to plans, but you'll probably find yourself at some point ready to do some exploring. Preacher's Cave is a good place to start. It's a subterranean cave in which the Eleutheran Adventurers, the happy few pilgrims who first landed here, took refuge and held religious services upon their arrival. If Preacher's Cave was a chapel in the wilderness, the magnificent Cave at Hatchet Bay gives the appearance of a vaulted cathedral. It is more than a mile long, with stalagmites and stalactites that gleam in the torchlight.
Another magnificent sight is the Glass Window Bridge, which spans a gap in which the turbulent waters of the Atlantic meet the calmer seas of the Exuma Sound on the island's leeward side. The existing man-made structure has replaced a naturally-formed bridge that was blown away during a hurricane years ago, but the view of the deep blue ocean and crashing surf is still as spectacular as when it captured the painterly eye of Winslow Homer.
Nearby Windermere Island is an exclusive resort, often frequented by members of the Royal Family.
On Harbour Island, off the north coast of Eleuthera, is Dunmore Town, the oldest and most charming settlement in The Bahamas complete with white picket fences and friendly residents. All of Harbour Island is rimmed by pink, sugar-sand beaches, but Dunmore Town has some of the best of them. While you are here, visit the "Hill Steps," which were cut out by prisoners, with an underground tunnel leading from the cove to Rock House, a nearby resort. Also on Harbour Island is Titus Hole, a cave with an open mouth that overlooks the harbour and is said to be the first jail of Harbour Island.
A short ferry ride from Eleuthera, Spanish Wells, aptly named, is where sailors came ashore from Spanish galleons to fill their casks with fresh water after long sea voyages. The people of his prosperous fishing village, renowned for their seamanship, have deep ancestral roots. They are direct descendants of the original Eleutheran adventurers and Loyalists. There is excellent fishing and diving available, even a sunken train wreck for those seeking the exotic.
The Bahamas is a year-round destination. Incessant trade breezes ensure pleasant temperatures, so unless you're visiting the southern isles, which get infernally hot in summer (June to August), weather isn't a major factor in determining when to go. The best time to come is the warm, breezy summer, when the water is so warm you can linger in it for hours. Mid-winter temperatures in the northerly and westerly isles can be surprisingly cold. In summer, the rainy season extends from May to November, when hurricanes are a slim possibility. The so-called 'peak season' runs from mid-December to mid-April, when hotel prices are highest.